Home Preparation Check List

Living Room Preparation

Clear all clutter, including blankets, toys, chargers, wires, and remotes. While your furniture can stay as is, consider discussing with your agent about rearranging it to create a more open feel, even if it's different from your usual setup. If your living room is small and crowded with furniture, remove some smaller pieces to achieve better photo angles and a more spacious look. The living room is a key selling point, so aim to make it appear as open and inviting as possible.

Regarding decor, lamps, and other items, keep them if they look nice, match your home's style, and don't overcrowd the space. If there are stains on your carpet, clean it a few days before the shoot. Cleaning the windows can also enhance the room's appearance.

Kitchen Preparation

A spotless kitchen is crucial, as it’s often a major selling point. Thoroughly clean countertops, the sink and area behind it, and cabinets. Food splatters are more noticeable in photos than we realize. Clear countertops of all items, such as pots, knife sets, coffee machines, and baskets. If it’s not staying with the house, it doesn’t need to be out. Sweep the floor, wipe down the microwave and oven, and remove pictures and drawings from the fridge. Store all dishrags and towels out of sight.

Basement Preparation

Similar to the living room, ensure everything is put away, furniture is arranged to maximize space, and all clutter is stored. I’m more lenient with toys in the basement because of limited storage and the need for children to have play space. Just make sure toys are neatly tucked away in a corner. I can usually angle photos to minimize their presence.

Bathroom Preparation

Clean the bathroom thoroughly, even more so than the kitchen. While bathrooms might not be a major selling point, a dirty one can detract from the rest of the home. Deep clean around and inside the toilets, countertops, and sinks. Depending on your shower or bath type, clean the bathtub and walls too. If it’s a standard bathroom, I'll probably close the shower curtain, but if it’s a high-end bathroom with nice walls or a Jacuzzi-style tub, I’ll likely photograph it, so clean it thoroughly. Store away all hand soaps, scrub brushes, toothbrushes, shaving items, lotion, and personal items.

Bedroom Preparation

Ensure the beds are made, clothes are put away, and toys are stored. It’s understandable that you still need to live in your house while selling, so a few items out are okay as long as they don’t obstruct photo views. Store hampers with dirty clothes and trash cans, and clean up chargers or wires. Tidy shelving areas and clear off bedside tables. If there are walls full of posters, especially in a teenager’s room, please ask them to take them down.

Laundry Room and Entryway Preparation

No major changes needed here. Simply put away all laundry baskets, coats, and clutter. Store shoes and remove any pet food or bowls. Sweep and mop to eliminate dirt and grime that can accumulate in these areas.

Additional Preparations

  • Ensure all light bulbs in the house are working.
  • Verify all lamps are functioning and use standard color bulbs.
  • Remove all pet-related items, including bowls, food, and toys.
  • Extinguish and store any candles in use.
  • Clean up any dog waste in the front and back yards.